Pan Haggerty

10:21 PM

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We were so busy today cleaning our house for the new year, that lunch was the last thing we were worried about. I needed something that was quick, easy and filling. This did the trick!


25 gram butter
1 tablespoon olive oil
450 gram potatoes, peeled and sliced
1 onion, sliced
125 grams cheese - I used a combination of gouda and mozarella cheese
freshly ground black pepper

1. Heat the oil and butter in a solid-based frying pan until the butter has melted.
2. Layer the ingredients in the pan, starting with a layer of potatoes, then onion, then cheese. Each layer needs to be seasoned well.Repeat the layering until the ingredients are finished.
3. Cover the pan and cook over a gentle heat for 30 minutes.
4. Grill in the oven to brown the top.

(Recipe adapted from: Best Food Fast - Tasty Vegetarian (issue 10))

Healthy food

7:24 AM

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This blog's purpose is to keep record of healthy recipes I try in my weightloss quest.
